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Thursday 6 August 2009

3 Easy ways to get HQ SEO links!

Follow or No Follow?

Note, I do not concern myself whether a blog or resource is a ‘follow’ or no follow resource. I like links from anywhere as it is always targeted to my market and also looks more natural.

1. Comment Love
Comment luv is a popular wordpress plug-in that displays the last post from your blog when you make a comment. This provides you a nice keyword related deep anchor text link. 
To locate blogs in your niche that use this plug-in use this search in Google:

“title=”CommentLuv Enabled”” KEYPHRASE

(be sure to replace the keyphrase with your target term). Once you get the results make a valuable comment on the top ranking blogs and you will get a nice juicy link back.

2. Squidoo
To locate Squidoo lenses in your niche that allow links use this search in Google:

KEYPHRASE + + “0 points”

Next click on the high ranking Squidoo lens. Go down to ‘list” and at the bottom and click on “Add To This List”. Add your website URL to the list. Make sure the description includes your keywords and vary them for each lens you add links to….

3. Youtube
To locate Youtube channels in your niche that allow comments:

“KEYPHRASE” “Channel Comments”

Go down to comments at the bottom and make a useful comment about the channel. People will follow you back to your channel…

Use this information wisely and add real value when you make comments. Spammy comments will get you nowhere fast.


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