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Monday 29 June 2009

Fast building lucrative residual income

1. Do not target newbies unless you want to spend a great deal of time working with them.

Do not use free or expect the value in your leads to be terrible. Meaning most of them are broke

3. Do not bribe your leads into joining your business, if you do this, then you can most definitely know they are there for only one reason and one reason only, for the bribe not the long term residual income.

4. "TARGET EXPERIENCED MARKETERS". This is the key to building a massive residual income. By targeting people who already know how to market online you are doing a couple things to your marketing efforts:
  • you putting your business into automatic and people or leads start building your network for you
  • you spending more time marketing and making money and less time trying to teach people the abc's of marketing.
5. Have a training website or training set up for your newbies, so when they come to you for answers you can just say "i have a tutorial made already at my training website".

6. Capture emails and build your data base of hungry internet marketers. These people will benefit you in the long run especially if your providing the value you need to be providing to keep people interested in you, and your business opportunities.

These are the basic elements of building a lucrative residual income. Of course not everyone is gonna get lucky and find that diamond in the rough, but when you do you will be very happy you spent more time on something very profitable and productive and spending less time targeting people still wet behind the ears. Let those newbies come to you and find those experienced marketers.

Use these methods in your PPC campaign and I can bet you your lead quality goes up!

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