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Sunday 28 June 2009

Money Maker Master Plan!

Here are the basic "Money Maker Master Plan” steps that you should follow to earn money online. Remember, it’s knowing how to scale this out and leverage both technology and people to scale this out but everything can be done by just one person if you choose to… just don’t expect an avalanche of traffic for two hours worth of work on a site with only 7 pages in a market that no one cares about!
Always learn how to scale things out by leveraging technology and people… and pick highly competitive markets that people are actively searching for.


Money Maker Master Plan

1. Pick a market

2. Register the domain (or choose free hosting)

3. Change the blog’s theme

4. Install the banner ads, affiliate program ads, etc

5. Set up the email capture and first few follow up emails

6. Add content to blog
  • Run a social bookmarking campaign on blog with one group of bookmarking accounts logins and at different times and days.
  • Create supporting micro-sites mini-network (social profile pages at squidoo, hubpages, bumpzee, and small static hand built sites).
  • Run a social bookmarking campaign on your micro-sites mini-network with a different set of bookmarking logins and at different times and days.
7. Submit site to SEO friendly directories sites using directory submission services.

8. Create video
  • Distribute video with video sharing software
  • Run a social bookmarking campaign on the videos sharing pages.
Steps 1 – 8 are enough to kick start the traffic to your new blog, static website, ecommerce website… and it only takes an hour or two.

If this is a site or market that you know is worth spending additional time on then you can follow these additional steps.

The following steps don’t take that much additional time but should, and can easily be, outsourced.

9. Every month (or sooner) go back and run the social bookmarking campaign again using new social bookmarking logins at different times and days.

10. Every month (or sooner) go back and create a new micro-site or social profile page to support your micro-sites mini-network.

11. Add posts to the blog that link/pingback to other authority blogs in the market.

12. Pick specific posts on your blog that you’d like to rank higher.
  • Social bookmark those posts with random bookmarking login accounts
  • Create a videos specific to those posts and load to youtube
  • Blast that video out to video sharing sites
  • Social bookmark the videos on the video sharing sites with random bookmarking logins and at different times and days.
  • Find other authority blogs in the market and post content-rich comments on their blog with links heading back to the post you are trying to rank higher.

You can do the following steps yourself but I would strongly recommend you simply outsource them.

13. Outsource someone to spin articles for you and submit them to directories

14. Outsource someone to create new social bookmarking login accounts

15. Outsource someone to subscribe to your RSS feed and have them social bookmark your new posts (the RSS feed notifies them when there is a new post so they simply head over).

16. Outsource someone to post high-quality, relevant comments on other people’s blogs and forums (DO NOT COMMENT SPAM). Concentrate on ones that do not use the “no follow” attribute.

17. Rinse and Repeat steps 7 – 17+ for sites that are worth the effort.

How do you know if the site is worth the effort?

I can’t answer that for you… only you can answer that question since it is your time and money involved… what is “worth it” to you may not be worth it to the next person and vice-versa.

And do yourself a favor and reinvest your earnings into your business by outsourcing the work that takes up the most time so you can concentrate on finding new markets and making money from the traffic you have.

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