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You Click Once & You Know How Much You Have

Saturday 25 July 2009

SEO for pay-per-click marketing.

So here is a basic formula of how you want to out line your ppc campaigns.

  • Researched Keywords
  • Researched Ad Copy
  • Researched Website Content
  • Web 2.0 Property’s
  • Article Link in footer
Those three elements paint a basic ppc campaign for your ppc marketing. Here is the break down of your campaign.

Keyword Research  

Now there are a ton of keywords you can fight for. Of course choosing the high traffic ones such as “make money online”, “home business”, work from home” etc. Are very difficult to stay on target for because they cost an arm and a leg to use. So if you want to do some serious keyword research try long tailing those keywords and bringing more value to your keyword and more targeted. So lets say I used make money online and expanded the term to target my specific niche. Which is people search. So you would use “make money online with people search”. Even though this keyword is very broad, it does target exact people who are looking to make money online with people search. Which will do one of many things for you, lower your cost dramatically and bring up your click through so you get a high quality score. Now if you want to find out what keywords to target you can use keyword spy tools, thing such a “hexatrack” or “ppcspy” and other you can google about but I wont post the links because per the rules you are not allowed to post links with optin forms on the websites. As long as your keywords are long tail your costs for keywords wont be high. Its just broadening your keyword marketing and forcing google to lower your costs because there is absolutely no competition in this market.

Researched Ad Copy

This is very crucial to your ppc marketing needs. In order for you to get an high quality index with your ad copy it really needs to be relvant to your website. So you dont want to use “work from home ” keyword and your whole website is about “affiliate programs”. This will raise your costs and get you a real low quality score. This will also force you to pay what ever search engines you are using a high cost per click. So do some research on your website and connect the dots with some of the most important info on your website to your Ad copy. For example if I am targeting “make money online with people search” then in my ad copy I might use.

headline: Make Money With People Search!
body: How i Make $1 With People Search Online

Now on my website it should have some what the same headline and body in my website content. I mean even if the domain shows up somewhere it wont hurt your score but even maybe bring it up.

Researched Website Content

Keeping it relevant is key to your quality index and cost per click. PPC search engine marketing requires alot of testing and relevance. This is what it is all about, keep everything connecting and staying in the right direction or flow of the content. If you go off course with your content then you are just wasting your money. When your research your website content, you want to see what your niche can offer people. Other than posting I make $2 a day with this, you want to give some benefits of what this will do for your leads. Create a sense of urgency if they dont signup. Your prospect needs to feel compelled by emotional triggers that say “hey I have to signup with this now!”. There are couple things you can do to create website copy so that you can achieve this. If you are serious about making money online,this is something you might want to educate yourself in unless your happy with using affiliate websites already created for you.

How to research for website content?

Well what ever keywords you are gonna target find out if there is anyone else in your niche using the same keywords as you. Now you can scan there website and take splices of their campaign to give you an idea of how to create your website. Please remember, that anything you put on your website needs to relate to your ppc marketing campaign. So this means adding those same keywords in your content, meta tags, meta description. For free meta tags,description tools you can find them by doing a google search.

Web 2.0 property’s

This can be one of the most powerful tools you can use. How ever you dont want to make your web 2.0 property too visible, if you can put them there with some nice faded images with tags in the images to let the search engine know they are there then you can score some serious bonus points with the search engines. Here is why you need to add these things to your website.

  • 1. Google loves these things because it reveals this to them. It shows them you are not some scam website, that you dont mind leaving a bread crumb trail back to your business which is a real business opportunity.
  • 2. It also provides more information regarding your niche.

So if you create some social network profiles for the four major ones in the world, then you would actually keep the content on those social network profiles targeted to your ppc marketing campaign. So in case that person decides to get curious, they will basically be heading over to another sales page. But do your best to hide those images or links because you dont want those leads leaving your website, you just want to bring up your quality index.

ex: youtube image | facebook image | twitter image | myspace image

Embed your profile links in each of the images and create image tags so the search engines know what they are looking at.

Article footer links

This is a very powerful method that I have learned about and tested. Now if you cannot automate this here is what you do. Lets say you are targeting 5 really high target keywords. ex. make money online, work from home, home business, affiliate marketing, affiliate programs etc. Now what we would do is create 5 articles, 1 per keyword all relating to each keyword. This article needs to be targeted towards the keyword and keeping it relevant towards your website and content. Everything has to connect. Now after we have created an article on a TEXT NOTE PAD first or word doc, and edited it. We now create a new note pad doc called index.html. So what we would do is just save each new article we created on our note pad and save them all as index.html. You can do them all the same so just put the keyword before index so you know which one is which. Next step is to create the links and keywords in the footer of your website. So it would look something like this.

Affiliate Programs | Make money online | Work at Home | Affiliate Marketing | Home business
copyrights @2009 your name All rights reserved

Facebook image link | Youtube image link | Myspace image link | Twitter image link

Now each keyword you see above will lead to a new index page. So if they click on affiliate programs its gonna lead to this page like this. www-yourdomain-ws/affiliateprograms
We dont care so much if they click on it, but we do care that google sees the relevance of our keyword and article content that helps bring up our quality score. To create this new index directory you need to go to your FTP and right click on your domain after you have logged in and just create a new file name in your domain. So you would call it affiliate programs or whatever keyword you are targeting.

Payperclick keyword groups

Now we want to create three ad groups. high converting keywords, test keywords, BAD keywords.

high converting keywords: these are the keywords that are converting for you and giving you the most value for your money.

test keywords: this is where you test out your keywords to see which ones are which and categorize them in there proper level of conversions and cost. If something is working then move it up to the next one and make sure it is not running any more in your test campaign.

bad keywords: this is the group you want to put all your keywords that are not converting and costing you too much to make a conversion. Just because you get 100 click and 5 conversions that is not worth it. If its costing you more than $3 per conversion then you are wasting your money. There is one reason why this is not worth it to you. Because if you are paying more than $3 bucks to get a direct optin then thats a huge waste of money. The most you should be spending to get a optin conversion with just name and email is $3. If you want name email and phone number then it should be no more than $5 per conversion. After you have moved your bad keywords into this group, make sure this group is paused or turned off. You should not be running this group!

Remember to move your keywords accordingly and dont forget to turn them off if you dont want to run them.

Now once you have moved your high converting keywords into the high converting keywords group, you want to create one Ad copy per keyword. This will do a number of things that I am sure you can figure out.

So here is method I use, but might not work for you! so use at your own risk!

When you run your campaign, to get a high CTR and Quality Score, this is what I do to do that. I put my daily cost for my first day at $15. Now I put my cost per click at $5. Now what happens is I might only get 3 clicks, but my CTR is at almost 75%. What happens now is I do the same for the next day. After two days of doing this and $30 of testing, you quality index and cost per click can be moved down to what ever you want. After this I move my cost per click down to wholesale prices. So for instance yesterday I might have paid $5 for make money online. Well today I will be only paying $0.50 cents or less. Maybe even less depending if you followed some of the format I have shown you or some of the tips and tricks you have learned your self.

Friday 17 July 2009

Why "Amazing Opportunity" is a scam???

The Internet is bursting with excellent opportunities to make money.... Unfortunately, it's also teeming with unscrupulous scammers who seek to get rich by scamming honest people out of their hard-earned money.

I want to help you SAVE 1000s of dollars by making sure you can recognize a scam when you see one!

One of the most popular scams out there is the "business in a box" hoax. If you are currently in the process of looking for a business idea, chances are you will come across this kind of scam.

Think about it... If a company is selling you an opportunity to sell their product, chances are they've sold the exact same opportunity to thousands of other people.

(After all, why would they limit their profits by selling the rights to that product only to you?)

That means you have to compete against thousands of other people who are selling the exact same product, with the same website, using the exact same marketing strategies you are!

Do you want be contending with that many IDENTICAL competitors? (Nope!)

Not only that -- if the product really was that hot, why isn't the company selling it itself, instead of merely selling the opportunity to sell it?

... Because they know they're not going to make much money that way, that's why.

To make sure that YOU don't get sucked in by this kind of scam, we're going to show you how to filter the REAL money-making opportunities from all the B.S. out there, with our handy "Scam Detector Check List."

Whenever you come across a possible business opportunity, simply consult this handy checklist. It'll help you discover if it is a real opportunity -- or a real waste of money.

You know you're dealing with a scam IF:

#1. The company can't prove a successful track record
If you've never heard of the company before -- and they can't offer solid proof they've got a successful track record -- then how can you trust them to help YOU make money?
Be skeptical. Ask questions. If they say they're a successful company, ask for proof!

#2. You can't talk to a company representative in person
Before you make a significant investment in a business opportunity, give the vendors a call. Talk to them in person. Ask them hard questions.
If they don't make it easy for you to talk to them in person, then don't do business with them!

#3. Former customers have lousy things to say about the product
A little bit of research goes a long way. Try typing "the name of the program + scam" or "the name of the program + customer review" into Google and see what results you get.
If the majority of the results are from former customers saying the product is a scam or a waste of money, then whatever you do, don't make the same mistake THEY did!

#4. 1000s of other people are selling the EXACT same thing
If your "business in a box" package includes a product for you to sell, do a search on the name of the product in Google and go through the results. How many people are selling the exact same product? Say hello to your competition!
(And how many of them are using the exact same website the company is trying to get YOU to buy?)
If a lot of people are selling that product -- and you can't see any way to offer a unique selling proposition that makes your offer stand out from the crowd -- then quite frankly, you're going to find it extremely difficult to make any money at all.

#5. They can't show you legitimate testimonials from recent customers
If you are making a significant investment in a business opportunity, the company you are purchasing from should be willing to put you in contact with other successful customers. We get this request all of the time, and have numerous successful customers who are happy to give us a personal reference at a moment's notice.
(If you'd like to take a look at how we use those testimonials on our salesletters, please look at our sales page for our best-selling course,
Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet.
Look for testimonials that names, photographs, and URLs, if possible. The more information that proves the testimonial giver is a real person, the better.
If the testimonial has a URL, go to that person's website and check it out. Does it look like the website of someone who's making good money? Look for the contact info on the site and then email that person to ask him or her directly about the product you're thinking about buying.
If the person says yes, it really is a good deal, and is still experiencing good results with that product, then chances are it's the real deal.
However, be on the watch for DATED testimonials. If people were able to make money using this package four years ago -- but the profits have long since dried up -- then the product's not going to do you much good now, is it?

#6. The company is charging YOU money to sell THEIR products
If a company is making a product that millions of people are going to want to buy, why wouldn't they simply sell it themselves -- instead of making other people pay for the opportunity to sell it for them?
The truth is, companies like this KNOW their "affiliates" aren't going to generate any sales. That's why they need to get your money up front!
Take it from someone who has been running a highly successful affiliate program for years. If someone wants to become an IMC affiliate and sell our products for us, we'd never make them pay. Why should they? They're doing us a favor!

#7. The company makes outrageous income claims without backing them up with proof
If a company says their product will have you earning tens of thousands of dollars within a matter of weeks, BE SKEPTICAL. There is no magic bullet on the Internet that can promise a five-figure income in 30 days or less.
The truth is, building a profitable business takes TIME. Sure, you can have a profitable business in less than a month... but you'll probably have to wait a few more months before the money really starts pouring in.
So whenever you see outrageous income claims, ask yourself -- where's the proof?
Look for testimonials that back up these claims. If someone claims to have made incredible money from using this system, track them down via their URL and ask them if it's really true.
And be sure to listen to your "inner radar" to determine whether the person is genuine or not.
Above all, do your research and ask lots of questions. If you follow these guidelines, chances are you will make the right decisions and pursue the right opportunities.
When it comes to online success, there is no magic pill. If you want to start a real business on the Internet you need to be prepared to put in the time and effort to build it.

... Of course, there IS one complete business-building system that DOES deliver on all its promises....



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